Analyse, Grow & Improve Your Business | Booth Book

We implemented BoothBook, and it was immediately apparent that it was going to save us time and money. The admin is automated - no manual contracts to send, payments to chase or emails to send. The time we have saved has allowed us to develop and grow the business, safe in the knowledge that BoothBook will take care of the admin.

BoothBook Imprint Photo Booths
Imprint Photo Booths

Analyse, Grow & Improve Your Business

BoothBook is not just about allowing your customers to book and pay online. We want your business to grow, improve, get more bookings, learn what works for your customers and your business, grow, improve, get more bookings..... you see where I'm going with this.

Schedule automatically personalised follow up emails or SMS messages with your customers after their event, including their gallery link, requesting feedback or a review. Integrate Google Analytics and get access to SEO help guides specific to Photo Booth owners to help you get more traffic to your website. View bookings, events and financial reports dashboard, and export a summary of bookings and transactions history - useful for your accounts! 


Financial Reports

View Financial Reports

Keep track of how your business is doing financially whilst monitoring your growth with the reports dashboard

Export Booking Summary

Export Booking Summary

Analyse and filter your booking data via a CSV file easily and efficiently

Google Analytics

Integrate Google Analytics

Delve deeper into data and understand how much traffic you're getting to your website

SEO Blitz

SEO Blitz

Tune up your website and get more traffic with our free SEO guide. More Traffic = More Bookings!